Can You Set Your Business Up Without Any Consultancy?

If you’ve finally decided to set your business up, then there are a fair number of complexities that follow. Now, you’re probably wondering, “How long can I rely on my own wits to get the job done?”, and you’re asking the right questions. You might consider yourself thorough, and experienced but eventually you’re going to have to seek help from business consultants. That brings us to the ultimate question, does one need business consulting services to start their entrepreneurial journey or to further expand their pre-existing assets? We would say yes. Over the years, GCG has had various clients that were initially hesitant towards receiving help from the outside. Needless to say, through assistance of our professionals in accounting, structuring and social media, we’re able to cater to their requirements and help automate different aspects of their businesses. We’re going to show you exactly WHY you need to hire a business consultant that values you.

Why You Should Hire a Business Setup Consultant in the UAE

You are definitely going to want to hire a business setup consultant in the UAE. It’s extremely important to be in line with all the minute details of company formation within the UAE. GCG Structuring walks you through the right direction, helps you take the right decisions for your company structure and which jurisdiction to select.

GCG provides value by taking care of the aforementioned factors among many others to make the process relatively easier.

Three Reasons Companies Hire Consultants

You don’t necessarily have to make the same mistakes that everyone else has made in the past. Having someone to guide you through your company formation, structure, and advise you on how to conduct day-to-day tasks can prove to be very beneficial!
While you might have set the foundation for your dream start-up, it’s better that you let others help you every now and then in order to achieve excellence.

Filling the Vacuum of Expertise

If you’re approaching a relatively new task, that is fairly different from what you and your employees are used to, then you’re going to want to hire someone for the short-term.
Let’s consider accounting as an example. Not a lot of people are going to prefer to outsource their finances to another company. But, people who have opted for our services from GCG Accounting have noticed a positive change thanks to our accountants’ budgeting, forecasting and accurate bookkeeping!
Approaching these tasks requires a lot of research and time, so why not just hire someone who can provide you with value and information based on their experience.
The best thing about outsourcing is that you can find individuals and companies that have helped several people with the same problems that you’re encountering. This brings about a speedy solution, and fills the vacuum of skill that you might be missing from your end.

A Different Perspective

Since you’re continuously tackling different problems from your own past experiences, you’ll always have a finite set of solutions. And that’s where consultancy comes in. They collectively excel in bringing you objective solutions.

Your primary task is to focus on a product/service. To define a more refined funnel/process/strategy is what you should always get a second opinion on. Marketing agencies know how to make your brand work. Real Estate agents can add more insight to your purchase. Structuring consultants can help you set up a viable structure for your business. The list goes on!


The Need for Expansion

Let’s talk about expansion. Now, if you’ve been operating comfortably within your own region and suddenly decided to go one step further to take your services to a region like the UAE. That’s a tough move to make. There are a lot of liabilities to be assessed when you make a move that huge and whether it will have a positive effect on your finances in the long-term.
Once you have finally decided on expanding. You’ll have to move onto the next step which is working out the legal technicalities and the feasibility of your business within your newly selected region.
What you can choose to do is use your own time for extensive research and coming up with your own solution. OR, you could just work with GCG Structuring to find out what will work best for your business in the UAE.

Can You Set Your Business Up Without Any Consultancy?

You probably can. But should you? At some point, you need to stop and think if someone else can do it better for you. Registering a business in a foreign country isn’t an easy task, least of all in a location like the UAE. Having a business consultant by your side to guide you through banking, paperwork and structuring can be a real blessing.

Contact GCG Structuring now to bring your dream start-up to the UAE!